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Will dry brushing remove cellulite??

The more important question we should be asking is if you want to spend your time brushing your skin daily for months and seeing minimal results. Dry brushing has barely any effects on cellulite. Any visible change is very minimal and lasts for a day or two, if even that. Before we go into the theory behind dry brushing, we must understand what cellulite is. It is fat. Nothing more than normal, plain ‘ol fat! This is the same fat that is found on any other part of your body. Cellulite is NOT a unique type of fat. The only reason it appears different is due to the fact that the fat appears in clumps and in parts of your body where the skin is thinner and less porous. This is usually the skin on your thighs and butt. The difference is only in appearance. The fat is the same. Most women experience having cellulite. That’s because most women do not do resistance training on their legs, thighs and butt. These areas are not toned, low on lean muscle and store fat easi...

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